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Image by Zachary Olson

Who is Jesus Christ?


Jesus is the Son of the living God; he is the incarnation of God himself in human flesh, he is the Messiah (Christ) prophesied in the Old Testament and our saviour who was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. 


He was born by the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit and Joseph (the Carpenter) raised him like his own son. Though Jesus eventually grew in wisdom and stature, he experienced the typical things a child would, but he submitted to his parents’ training even though he was God Almighty in human flesh.


Jesus is our saviour as he gave up his life on the cross, to be the eternal sacrifice for the sins of the world. 


Jesus is our example.God decided to come to the world in human form not only to wipe away our sins, but he came to be an example, to show us he understands the struggles, pressures, pains, temptations and fears of being a human. While Jesus was upon the earth, he felt fear and temptations like anyone of us. He dealt with this by regularly seeking the face of his father for guidance and strength. Once we accept Jesus as our saviour and God adopts us as his children, we too should be confident to approach God for assistance when issues of life confront us. Jesus gave us his name to pray to God and if we both believe and remain connected to him, our prayers will be answered.

While on earth Jesus lived a blameless life, he expressed love for everyone even those that wanted him dead. He healed the sick and ate with the poor. Jesus taught us very important lessons about faith, love, goodness, kindliness, humility and respecting others.


Jesus was a prophet and is the way back to God.Through His words and conduct; He revealed the nature of our Heavenly Father. He was the mouthpiece for the will of the Father on earth, to redeem the human race and reconcile us back onto God. The actions of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden caused a separation between mankind and God which Jesus wants to restore. “I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except by me (Jesus)” John 14:6


Jesus Christ is our healer, he has rescued us from the punishment of sin, diseases and sickness by his blood. He urges us to renew our mind and think good thoughts to walk in the new living way. 


Jesus is our life source. He came so that we will not only have life but will have true life in abundance.


Where is Jesus now?

He rose three days after he was crucified and later ascended to heaven, where he is preparing mansions for us so that we may stay with him in heaven eternally. He is seated at the right of God in heaven, praying for those who accept him as their saviour and will be coming back to earth at God’s appointed time.

If you want to find out more about Jesus, you can find stories in the bible books of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.

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